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It saddens me to think that one in two people reading this will be effected by cancer at some stage in their lives. Is this not bigger than world war 3?. Does this not concern you?.

One in two people will develop cancer at some point in their lives, according to the most accurate forecast to date from Cancer Research UK, and published in the British Journal of Cancer(link is external).

“Cancer does not discriminate by age, race or gender”.

The new figure highlights the urgent need to speak truth

Chemotherapy and radiation have at best 3% chance of working. Many will not survive the CURE! In many cases they continue to use the barbaric and dangerous “cures” on cancers where it has never seen positive results but this seems ok as people are not complaining whilst these lives are continuously taken from their family and loved ones. This new research estimating lifetime risk finds that, from now on, 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with the disease. They are still offering the same Chemotherapy (mustard Gas), radiation which caused cancer in Chernobyl and the evasive cut and burn methods of old. Yet people continue to donate to this criminal cause. There is simply too much money and lack of outside control with Big Harma and Hamacuical companies of today.

This new estimate replaces the previous figure, calculated using a different method, which predicted that more than 1 in 3 people would develop cancer at some point in their lives.

There are alternatives, however they are being shut down daily or practitioners murdered to stop the real truth being revealed to the general public.

Please click on The Truth Exposed about the “CURE”

Useful links below:

What is the answer?. The truth about the cure 

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The Healing oracle team